
Secure and privacy -preserving exchange and analysis of measured data based on homomorphic encryption

Final Piloting Phase

MorphMetro is specialized for interlaboratory comparisons and proficiency testing. Interlaboratory comparisons (ILCs) and proficiency testing (PT) are critical for ensuring quality assurance and consistency in analytical laboratories. They provide an objective means to verify laboratory competence, enable the detection and correction of systematic errors, and ensure that results are comparable across different facilities. MorphMetro is used to calculate z-scores and En-values, […]

We presented in BIOCentre – Incubation centre for biosciences

Many thanks to BIOCentre – Incubation centre for biosciences for the opportunity to present the latest developments in the digitalization of metrology and our NGI TrustChain MorphMetro solution (, which utilizes homomorphic encryption for interlaboratory comparisons and proficiency testing, while simultaneously leveraging the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) blockchain to authenticate accredited laboratories and the […]

IMEKO 2024 XXIV World Congress

Random Red Ltd. ( will be presenting: ➡ our European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) activities:➡ and the NGI TrustChain MorphMetro project: at the IMEKO – International Measurement Confederation World Congress in Hamburg, 26-29 August: We are also very interested in other “Metrology and Digitalisation Workshop” demonstrators, as well as the various other content at […]

Advisory Board Presentations

Last week we presented our NGI – The Next Generation Internet MorphMetro project ( to the NGI TrustChain Advisory Board. It is quite a challenge to integrate European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI), Alastria Blockchain Ecosystem and homomorphic encryption into a single projects. Thus, many thanks to all included Board members for valuable feedback.

NGI TrustChain Plenary Meeting

NGI TrustChain Plenary Meetings are an excellent opportunity for all project teams to share knowledge and experiences. Davor Vinko held a presentation about the scientific and technical aspects of fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) within our MorphMetro project ( The possibilities and limitations of FHE were analyzed to ensure data privacy and protection in proficiency testing […]

Networking on EBSI event

This week’s European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) event was also a opportunity to meet many colleagues in person for the first time, whom I had previously known through various projects and collaborations only online. It was a pleasure to connect with each of you, and I look forward to our next opportunity to meet! Our […]

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