
Secure and privacy -preserving exchange and analysis of measured data based on homomorphic encryption

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Final Piloting Phase

MorphMetro is specialized for interlaboratory comparisons and proficiency testing. Interlaboratory comparisons (ILCs) and proficiency testing (PT) are critical for ensuring quality assurance and consistency in analytical laboratories. They provide an objective means to verify laboratory competence, enable the detection and correction of systematic errors, and ensure that results are comparable across different facilities. MorphMetro is used to calculate z-scores and En-values, which are critical parameters in ILCs and PT, without disclosing the measured values of participating laboratories. This ensures data confidentiality and an unbiased approach.

Interested to participate in our final piloting phase? Please contact us at:

P.S. Would you like to take a closer look? Here are the instructions for opening
a new IL/PT call:
and for applying to an open call:

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