Digital Transformation of Metrology
Metrology [1] is an essential part of any scientific research, industry (including manufacturing), trading, safety (environment protection, medicine, new/smart technologies), e.g. supply chain (from retail trade up to wholesale), measuring of various physical quantities in manufacturing processes and as life quality indicators (quality of air, purity of water, etc.), medical laboratory procedures, etc.
Metrology is also exposed to trends and challenges of digitalization, which was officially recognized in the form of the Joint Statement of Intent “On the digital transformation in the international scientific and quality infrastructure” signed this year by the most important global metrological institutions [2] and is also followed by numerous groups, initiatives, activities and events, like:
- IMEKO’s Technical Committee “Digitalization” (TC6) [3]
- CIPM initiative ”Transforming the International System of Units for a Digital World” [4]
- World Metrology Day: 20 May 2022 – Metrology in the Digital Era [5]
- International Digital Calibration Certificate Conference [6]
- EURAMET „Digital Transformation Call“ [7]
Due to the fact that the statement [2] was signed not so long ago (30th of March 2022), it is is clear that our project is innovative – we are at the trough of a growing wave of challenges (and proposed solutions!) related to the application of digital transformation of metrology.
Thereby, MorphMetro aims to revolutionize the digital transformation of metrology by offering a secure and privacy-preserving platform for the exchange and analysis of measured data. It integrates advanced technologies like blockchain and homomorphic encryption to ensure data integrity and confidentiality. This approach addresses the need for a universally accepted protocol for the digital dissemination of measurement data, fostering trust and compliance within metrology applications across various industries. MorphMetro thus serves as a critical component in advancing quality assurance practices through digital innovation.
[2] Joint Statement of Intent “On the digital transformation in the international scientific and quality infrastructure”,